About Us

Who Are These Guys?

TWK Live is an actual play tabletop role-playing channel that focuses on Old School Fantasy RPG's as well as some Sci-Fi and Horror games. We are all old friends who have been playing role playing games together since the dawn of time (or like 1987). So don't expect anything too serious. We are full of bad puns, distasteful jokes, and more 1980's trivia than you can shake a keytar at.

Now... let's meet the players!


I have been gaming with these rapscallions for over 30 years. Ever since Hans and I struck up a friendship over his copy of Monster Manual 2 in the middle school cafeteria. When did we get so old??


Bryce is our wargaming punk rockabillie from Mars. He loves hard thumping music,  neon lights, cyberwear, and puppies.  He is our resident Shadowrun GM who knows more about riding the matrix then most people know about VCR's. 


Hans is the glue that holds this party together. Hans often plays the Cleric or the Medic in our campaigns. So it is a real treat when he can step away from that role and play a real badass sicko. By the way, he also owns a massive DVD collection full of movies so bad the mere sight of which will cause you to sprout hair on your chest, your back AND your palms!  We like to blame him for our horrible sense of humor.


Keith hopes to one day become a Jedi master like his father.


Laird started tabletop gaming his first year in junior high school. There has barely been any downtime since. After moving to Oregon it didn't take long for him to find Jeremy and get back into the tabletop scene. Now, many years on and in a new state Laird has joined Jeremy again. This time around a virtual table. Laird is responsible for most of the art for each of the campaigns, from character art to overlays and more.

Previous Guest Players:


From the dawn of time he came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known he was among you... until now.


Have computer repair kit, will travel.